NASA World Wind - [Information]
NASA World Wind Java Demo Applications and AppletsLast modified July 16, 2011This page gives you access to a number of World Wind Java example applications or applets, and user applications of the SDK. [-]World Wind Java Example ApplicationsApplication TemplateThis is the most basic usage of the SDK. It shows the default globe with the default layer list and panel. It features the Earth with SRTM Plus elevation and bathymetry, the Blue Marble Next Generation may 2004, I Cubed Lansat 15m, and United States Department of Agriculture NAIP imagery layers among others. It also displays the stars background, atmospheric effect, compass, world map and scalebar that are common to most of the example applications. > ApplicationTemplate.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. WMS Layer ManagerThis example application demonstrates the SDK WMS capabilities. It features a WMS layer panel that allows you to access any WMS server and layers. To add a server, click on the "+" tab and enter the server url. After the WMS discovery process, the list of available layers will be displayed. Select one to add it to the current globe layer list. Unselect it to remove it. > WMSLayerManager.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. KML ViewerDemonstrates loading, displaying, and interacting with KML content in World Wind. > KMLViewer.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Installing Images And Elevations DemoThe World Wind Java Installing Imagery And Elevations Demo enables a user to install image data and elevation data from a file on the local hard drive. This data can be installed as a full pyramid of tiles or as a partial pyramid. Installing a full pyramid takes longer and consumes more space on the user's hard drive, but has the best runtime performance. Installing a partial pyramid takes less time and consumes less space on the user's hard drive, but requires that the original data not be moved or deleted. > InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Exporting Surface Imagery and ElevationsDemonstrates how to use the SectorSelector utility to save a selected region of surface imagery and elevations to a GeoTIFF file. > ExportImageOrElevations.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Scankort Denmark DataDemonstrates high resolution imagery (0.2 meters per pixel) and elevation data (1.6 meters per pixel) served by the World Wind WMS, and visualized by the World Wind Java client. > ScankortDenmark.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Rigid ShapesDemonstrates visualization of common rigid shape types in World Wind Java. Includes six rigid shape types: Box, Cone, Cylinder, Ellipsoid/Sphere, Pyramid, and Wedge. > RigidShapes.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Extruded ShapesShows visualization of textured 3D buildings with World Wind Java SDK Extruded Shapes. > ExtrudedShapes.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Surface ShapesDemonstrates visualization of common terrain following shapes in World Wind Java. Includes five surface shape types: SurfacePolyline, SurfaceQuad/SurfaceSquare, SurfaceEllipse/SurfaceCircle, SurfaceSector, and SurfacePolygon. > SurfaceShapes.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. AirspacesDemonstrates the World Wind Java controlled airspaces tookit. Airspaces feature 3D volumes controlled by geographic coordinates and upper- and lower- altitude boundaries. Airspaces optionally conform to the terrain as you move them. They demonstrate what's possible in terms of dynamic manipulation of data in 3D space. > Airspaces.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Analytic SurfaceDemonstrates visual representation of scalar values over a grid of geographic positions. AnalyticSurface supports dynamic scalar data by providing a simple, high throughput rendering pipeline for the application. This demonstrates two unique surface types:
> AnalyticSurface.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Video On TerrainIllustrates how applications can display video on the globe's surface. > VideoOnTerrain.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Web Browser BalloonsDemonstrates use of World Wind browser balloons to display HTML, JavaScript, and Flash content to the user in the form of a screen-aligned balloon. There are two browser balloon types: ScreenBrowserBalloon which displays a balloon at a point on the screen, and GlobeBrowserBalloon which displays a balloon attached to a position on the Globe. > WebBrowserBalloons.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. AnnotationsThis example allows you to experiment with the multiple options of World Wind Java annotation feature. Annotations are text labels with support for multiline text, simple HTML and many styling attributes such as font face, size and colors, bubble shapes and background image. > Annotations.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. On Screen Controls
Demonstrates the use of World Wind annotations to create simple user interfaces embedded into the World Window. > AnnotationControls.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. MGRS GraticuleShows visualization of the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) as a graticule overlayed on the globe's surface. > MGRSGraticule.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Terrain ProfilerThis application shows the terrain profile layer in action with its various controls. It allows you to view a realtime section profile graph for any place on the planet, at any scale - continent, country or mountain range... just by moving the mouse. It proves particularly useful to explore the ocean floors where the bathymetry data reveals important geologic features. > TerrainProfiler.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Flat World EarthquakesThis example shows the latest earthquakes over a flat world projection. It allows you to see the whole globe at once while retaining the capability to zoom onto the surface and still experience 3D terrain. > FlatWorldEarthquakes.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Anaglyph StereoThis is essentially the above application template but with anaglyph stereo viewing capability. It allows you to explore the world in 'real' 3D using red and cyan glasses with the red filter over the left eye. To get a comfortable experience use the slider to adjust the interocular distance. > AnaglyphStereo.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Multi-Window View VolumeDemonstrates World Wind Java SDK support for rendering globes in multiple application windows. World Wind automatically shares resources wherever possible across multiple windows in a single runtime environment. > MultiWindowViewVolume.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. View TrackingDemonstrates how applications can keep a set of moving objects in view. > KeepingObjectsInView.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Line BuilderThis simple example allows you to interactively draw a path over the terrain surface. It demonstrates how an application can use and consume mouse events before they get to the default view input handler. > LineBuilder.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start. Airspace BuilderDemonstrates runtime construction of 3D shapes using the World Wind Java controlled airspaces toolkit > AirspaceBuilder.jnlp - launch with Java Web Start.
[-]World Wind Java Applets ExamplesCascade Volcanoes Tour AppletThis page shows a World Wind applet controlled from HTML hyperlinks in the page body text. In this example all the specific elements - text labels and view positions, are controlled from the HTML and Javascript code within the page. The same java applet could be used for many other purposes without any change. > Cascade Volcanoes Tour Applet page... See also: Javascript Location-marks AppletThis page allows you to save the view current location into a list of favorite places. When double clicking on a location in the list, the view is sent flying to the position and angle it had when you saved that location. The list is saved into a permanent cookie on the local computer and will be retrieved the next time you come back. [-]User ApplicationsGLIDER - Globally Leveraged integrated data explorer for researchGLIDER (Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research) is a NASA ACESS funded project. The goal of this project is to integrate three existing applications, namely World Wind, Interactive Visualizer and Image Classifier (IVICS) and the Algorithm Development and Mining (ADaM) toolkit into a single seamless tool for research and education community. GLIDER will be a complete comprehensive, easy to use tool for thematic information extraction from NASA imagery. > GLIDER home page by UAHuntsville ITSC GeoWindGeoWind is an open source GIS platform that integrates OGC as implemented in GeoTools within NASA's WorldWind. The vision of this effort is the creation of an open geospatial system that enables the scientific modeling process to be closer to a 'real world' experience. EOLi (Earth Observation Link) by ESA (European Space Agency)EOLi (Earth Observation Link) is the European Space Agency's client for Earth Observation Catalogue and Ordering Services. Using EOLi, you can browse the metadata and preview images of Earth Observation data acquired by the satellites ENVISAT, ERS, Landsat, IKONOS, DMC, ALOS, SPOT, Kompsat, Proba, JERS, IRS, Nimbus, NOAA, SCISAT, SeaStar, Terra/Aqua. By default, EOLi-sa uses a 2d drawing mode. To enable World Wind, click on the layered map icon in the upper right for map settings. Then choose Orthographic or Plate Carrée (new 3D map) for a projection. > ESA EOLi home page by ESA/ESRIN, Italy Gaea+Gaea+ features a rich combination of 3d building, landmark, street, and aerial photography data for Slovenia. > Gaea+ XLAB 3D Viewer - launch with Java Web Start. Air Search And RescueThis application helps search and rescue planners determine the best places to search after a plane goes missing. Using last known positions from ground radar and other sources, planners are able to reconstruct an aircraft path and study it's position relative to the ground from any view point including that of the pilot. > Search And Rescue Application - launch with Java Web Start. Geoscience Australia's World Wind ViewerGeoscience Australia's World Wind Viewer is an application that displays Australia's continental data sets. The viewer allows you to compare national data sets such as the radioelements, the gravity and magnetic anomalies, and other mapping layers, and show the data draped over the Australian terrain in three dimensions. The viewer currently displays the following Geoscience Australia data layers: Radiometric Map of Australia, Gravity Anomaly Map of the Australian Region, Magnetic Anomaly Map of Australia > World Wind Viewer home page by Geoscience Australia World Wind Geo"World Wind Geo is an experimental geo browser built on top of two of the best open source technologies: the World Wind Java SDK and Eclipse." "The new version of our 3D globe is closing the gap between GIS & SIS (Scientific Information Systems) by incorporating low/med/hi resolution GIS datasets from multiple sources: NASA, MS Virtual Earth, and others plus the great java NetCDF library for plotting/subsetting capabilities of scientific data." > World Wind Geo home page by Vladimir Silva. blueMarineBlueMarine is an open source application for the digital photo workflow. It uses World Wind to display the positions of georeferenced images over a 3D map. "The blueMarine project will provide you an all-in-one tool for managing your photos, from the shoot up to the archiving and beyond." > blueMarine home page by Fabrizio Giudici. JSatTrack"JSatTrak is a Satellite tracking program written in Java. It allows you to predict the position of any satellite in real time or in the past or future. It uses advanced SGP4/SDP4 algorithms developed by NASA/NORAD to propagate the satellite orbits." "The program also allows for easy updating of current satellite tracking data via Because this application was written in Java, it should run on almost any operating system or directly off the web using java web start!" "Version 3.0 requires Java 1.6 - and uses NASA's World Wind Java SDK (included) and JOGL for 3D rendering (included for win)." > JSatTrack home page by Shawn Gano. GeoMapApp"GeoMapApp (formerly MapApp) is a freely downloadable Java application, which permits users to browse bathymetry data from the world�s oceans, generate and download custom grids and maps, and explore a variety of other data types." "GeoMapApp is a data exploration and visualization tool that is continually being expanded as part of the Marine Geoscience Data System. GeoMapApp is an integrated mapping application developed at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory." > GeoMapApp home page by William Haxby, with support from the LDEO Marine Geoscience Data System. DARPA ARGUS-IS"The mission of the Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance - Imaging System (ARGUS-IS) program is to provide military users a flexible and responsive capability to find, track and monitor events and activities of interest on a continuous basis in areas of interest." "The ground processing subsystem enables users to interact with the ARGUS-IS airborne systems. The user interface, based on NASA World Wind software, facilitates specification of areas where imagery is desired throughout the entire ARGUS-IS field of view." > DARPA ARGUS-IS home page. MyUniPortal"The free high tech learning portal for kids throughout the world." "MyUniPortal combines information from different sources such as html, video media, search engines into an interface that allows the data to be placed into separate windows specific for that data (Browser, Video Viewer, Query Viewer, 3D Maps)." > MyUniPortal home page by Anthony Anecito. GeoAgSys 4D"GeoAgSys is an Agricultural based software system built on top of the NASA World Wind SDK. It is currently in development." "GeoAgSys will rely on hardware systems such as GPS, Radio Telemetry, and Embedded controller systems to achieve geographic based monitoring and remote control of on-farm systems including frost protection and precision irrigation." Media Watch on Climate Change - Knowledge Planet"The Knowledge Planet applet shows that virtual globes are not only suited to explore geographic maps, but can also serve as rendering engines for other types of imagery. It visualizes large document collections using a landscape metaphor. The peaks of the virtual landscape indicate abundant coverage on a particular topic, whereas valleys and oceans represent sparsely populated parts of the information space." "The Media Watch on Climate Change is developed as part of the IDIOM (Information Diffusion across Interactive Online Media) research project. The consortium partners behind the project share an interest in the determinants and impacts of anthropogenic climate change, and in the potential of three-dimensional interface technology to support communication and collaboration in virtual communities." > The Media Watch on Climate Change home page. IFGI Multi-Touch WallThe University of Muenster Institute for Geoinformatics is using World Wind Java for a multi-touch wall project. "We developed a Multi-Touch version of Nasa World Wind on a 7.9 x 6.2 feet tall FTIR (frustrated total internal reflection) based Multi Touch wall. This implementation is based on a multi-touch tracking library developed within the Project: Multitouch at the Deutsche Telekom AG Laboratories, which is part of the TU Berlin." Johannes Schöning IFGI > IFGI Project Multi-Touch home page. RequirementsAs for the whole World Wind Java project, please check the following points :
JOGL applet setup can be tested with this sample Gears 3D JOGL animation applet. Links |
lose the texture of 3d model
in 3ds max, the model is fine,but when i loaded it in wwj, it's white, and lose the textures.and the log wwj printed is below. can anyone help? PHP Code: