We have an alien ET UFO Connection to each other. We are all about change in this universal order which is a part of the cosmos.
If one is about love, light, and truth then one shares how to learn to enlighten one’s own self.
We share the truth that “Alien Civilizations Exist”. We also share the “Ascension Age Enlightenment”.
Those of us who have been contacted by those of the “Higher Beings” that some call “Aliens and/or ET” all share that something wonderful is going to happen inside of us all.
We all know that we have a “Higher Purpose” and the “Emotions that Move People” are that which comes in the way we share our “Synergy Energy”.
The positive population of earth can connect to all those who feel lost and alone and share in how to make the world a better place which involves the health and prosperity for the entire human race as a species that is involved in taking care of each other and the planet.
The nature of humankind is one of nurturing and growth from the time we are born and learning to survive until the time we pass on to the next level of our journey into another somewhere as an existence.
We are all becoming more than we are on a regular basis. We all share on this planet what we call “TIME” and we use our daily 24 hours to calculate our lifetimes in years on earth. We all can relate to how many years we have been alive on earth. The age of our physical units we call a body-mind-spirit is how we calculate how much time we have on this planet before our unit-vessel can no longer sustain our essence. Our true “ALIEN ET ESSENCE SPIRIT” is what we consider that comes and goes in particles and waves that can be connected to what we call our “SOUL”.
We all have only one created soul and yet we can all share in the recovery, recycling, and reincarnation of spirit to return to the physical forms that will translate out spirit into memories.
Right now on earth in what we call “SCIENCE” we are sharing a “RESEARCH PROJECT” to prove exactly what we can take with us when we leave planet earth when we “Pass ON or DIE”.
This is a part of the new scientific research on how we can define our real core truth in what we now define as our physical compounds that came from space as science learns we are all simply made up of the elements that came from stars.
For those who desire to learn more about sharing their ENERGY & ESSENCE IN SYNERGY TOGETHER with others who are ALIEN ET CONTACTEES please state tuned. Love and Light TJ
We stay in touch now via websites and those who like to read about UFO’s, ALIENS, and ET, also enjoy the TJ MORRIS.ORG and websites that are growing in nature into that of the UFODigest.com Alien ET UFO Community with TJ Morris and ACE FOLKLIFE.
We also share Ascension Center Org. and ET Spirit.Org.
We share our growth that we define on a weekly basis in our blogs and articles on the Internet Online. We share that we are our own “SOCIAL PARANORMAL COMMUNITY” and share social paranormal.com.
In the future we plan on listing our own “SOCIAL PARANORMAL DIRECTORY” along with the “ACE GUIDE DIRECTORY” of all that deals with our “WHAT MOVES PEOPLE”.
I am sharing that which will allow others to share in our core objectives while we grow into the new ASCENSION AGE to come with all the NEW SPIRITS COMING 12-21-12.
We will now be grooming all the future beings of earth to take over our Guardianship while we venture into space with other humanoids.
Enhance the preservation of cultural heritage and scientific objects through nine Core Objectives.
1. Raises awareness;
2. Appraises and evaluates information sources and developments;
3. Assesses and makes accessible the results of research;
4. Provides an enquiry and advisory service;
5. Runs workshops and training seminars;
6. Conducts case studies and makes available the results;
7. Fosters research;
8. Promotes the sharing of experience and enables collaborative action; and,
9. Stimulates awareness among software producers of the preservation needs of the user community.
WHY? Spiritual Growth Potential of our Humanoid Sentient Intelligent Being Species.
The inside description of a context that is relative in size/structure (attributes/modes) to the known universe that we inhabit.
A Universe, also known as a Cosmos, is a particular individual space-time organization with a specified number of dimensions of space and time and definite and specific laws of physics. Other Universes (other Cosmoses) may have different numbers of dimensions of space and time and different laws of physics than our own Universe (Cosmos.
Multiverse: The part of infinity that directly joins a given universe with all possible configurations of that universe.
Metaverse: In string theory, the part that is along with, after; over also denoting change in the multiverse that houses the branes or film that each universe is said to be attached to and hang like individual sheets in a hypermagnetic wave with rhythms of hypercosmicstrings going up and down that has a third element causing up, down, backwards, forwards, motions inside the Xenoverse.
Note: In computer science, a metaverse is a virtual reality simulation based on the physical reality of a single individual universe, but one or more levels of implementation above it. It is conceived that it will be possible in forthcoming centuries to create such simulations using massive arrays of matrioshka brains and Jupiter brains.
Xenoverse: the unknown alien elements that are beyond and part of the metaverse and multiverse structure. Compared to a patchwork quilt hanging on a line to dry in space that is multivariate inside the Omniverse.
While Omniverse is said to be the outside ring of all that is known, the xenoverse is the inside the hypermacrocosm that is unknown beyond the metaverse-the unknown sets of laws that govern how branes behave to create metaverses, the laws of which govern the creation of multiverses.
Omniverse: All possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. Some or all possible modes of existence are actualized. If we take the point of origin as our being as a point in measurement, then we can generate the following hierarchy: 1. our location in space-time, 2. this universe (cosmos), 3. the multiverse, 4. the metaverse, 5. the xenoverse, 6. the omniverse.
We share that there are seven (7) levels of what in the spiritual world we call heavens. We have seen the awakened awareness shared as the seven colors of the rainbow in the light spectrum as RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, and VIOLET.
There are ways to share these colors in NAMES of the 7 LEVELS of the COSMOS – “AS ABOVE SO BELOW”.
That which lies beyond the OMNIVERSE of which we on earth have always considered the “ALL I AM” has always been all that we are allowed to think about due to the creators we call Father ALPHA and Mother OMEGA which are the Supreme Beings and their original location of “HAS ALWAYS BEEN“ which is much further advanced and more than our present humanoid mind-body-spirits can comprehend..